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Anime Vegas



Did this a few months ago for Anime Vegas [link] - an anime convention in Las Vegas. Go figure. :) This was the art they used on their pre-reg cards (which you can still get!!! go go go) this year. Pretty awesome.

I plan on being there - will you? It's September 4th-6th and promises to be totally awesome. The guest list is AMAZING.

Seriously. Jerry Jewell. Colleen Clinkenbeard. You know. JIMMY AND RACHEL. From CASE CLOSED/Detective Conan. ...Oh and like, tons of other really amazing VAs!

I am beyond stoked.

The logo is theirs and I created the characters (ho ho ho, do you get the subtle reference there?). SAI and Photoshop FTW.
Image size
700x476px 202.31 KB
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Aoko1223's avatar
o.o....*.* holy crap!! it's a mix between aoko and kaito. i see a kid hat